Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Stop Foreclosure - A How-To Guide

If you are facing foreclosure, you should leave no stone unturned to stop it, as it will trash your credit for 10 long years, and you may not be able to find decent housing - not even a rental - with poor credit.

Believe it or not, there are several things you can do to try and stop a foreclosure. Lenders often make certain concessions (though they will not advertise it). Go here for a detailed list of some concession lenders may make. That leads to yet another page with more suggestions on how to avoid foreclosure.   It is easier to get concessions from a lender if you do not wait until you are far in arrears, and if you keep in communication with them - do not leave them in the dark as to your situation - if you do, they will assume the worst, and that will result in nothing but bad news for you.   I hope these suggestions help - and I hope you share this with everyone in your circles. Even those who do not need it themselves may very well know others who do. So please, pass it on. It's free!   /

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