Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Real Estate Investing - What Is The Cost Of An Education?


It is a rare individual who has not seen those late night "infomercial gurus" advertising for their "free" seminars that promise to make you a wealthy real estate investor.

Let's begin with a few facts:

  • Nothing has made millionaires out of more ordinary folks than real estate
  • Investing in real estate does not require any college degree, or even a high school diploma. A complete education should not cost more than a few hundred dollars.
  • "Infomercial gurus" spend millions each month on radio advertising, infomercials and free seminars
  • Real Estate investing seminars are not for teaching - they are for UPSELLING. And making the gurus rich

With that in mind, consider the top seminar being touted these days - Than Merrill's FortuneBuilders. if you make the mistake of believing you can become an expert by attending one of Than Merrill's weekend seminars, or even his second step (boot camp) costing up to $1500 you will be disappointed. To get a comprehensive education in real estate investment from Than Merrill, his FortuneBuilders Mastery program is what you will need to sign up for. But that will cost you - big time! Upwards of $35,000. Same thing with Armando Montelongo and most others.

KNOW THIS: There is not any real estate investing program that is worth what those gurus charge. They charge that much because they have to cover all the expenses of getting you to show up and sign up, and because of greed!

So, what alternatives are there?

There are three:

  1. The first is to be self-taught, by trial and error, and pray your lack of experience doesn't put you in the poor house
  2. The second is a low cost program by an experienced investor with credentials, who will include mentoring as needed
  3. The third is to just give up your dream

That third option is not conducive for success in anything - giving up is never the right choice. The first option is risky, but could work out if you are lucky. But the best choice is the second one, and there is only one program that is not only very inexpensive (under $100) but also includes everything you need, including free, unlimited mentoring.

Why so cheap? "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate" is offered on a non-profit basis by actual investors who desire to help others as required by their faith.  All of their mentors are also professional investors who volunteer their services to that end.

If you ever thought about investing in real  estate and becoming financially secure in a career where you can never be fired, laid off or passed over for promotion, it is worth looking into - after all, it costs nothing to look. But think about what it could cost you if you do not. If Homero had not grabbed the opportunity, he would not have taken home this certified check for $10,000 in just two weeks. So you should at least think about it. Anyone can do this. No cash, credit or experience required.

