Monday, July 24, 2023

REAL ESTATE INVESTING: Is "No Money Down" Really a Myth?

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Ask 100 people on the street if they believe it possible to buy real estate with no cash down and 98% will say "no". Ask 100 real estate attorneys, and my 57 years of experience tells me about 90% will say "no". Ask 100 real estate investors, and the vast majority will also say "no".

What do they all those "nays" have in common? A healthy dose of ignorance founded on skepticism. One other thing they have in common - they are all what I like to call...WRONG! What is more - I can prove it, because I and my students do it all the time.

My name is Bill Vaughn, and I have been investing in real estate since Moses was a lad and Moby Dick was a pollywog. Well, 55 years SEEMS that long sometimes. And I have used my experience to personally train over 86,000 people over the last 34 years to be able to make a lot of money and cut the corporate apron strings, providing them with independence and the money to enjoy it. My inexpensive ($99) program, "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate" provides everything a person needs for real estate success. More to the point, it teaches all 24 legitimate methods of investing in property, and eight of them do not require cash or good credit!

That's right - my students know how to purchase properties and make sizeable profits without having to part with any of their cash (in fact, many of them had NO cash when they started).

Now, I don't expect you to just  take my word for it - I will show you one "no cash" method right here and now, and before this post is done, there will be documented proof that anyone can make 'no cash' deals. Bear in mind, this is a general breakdown - "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate" fills in all the details, provides all the forms and includes free lifetime mentoring, just in case you require more specific assistance.


This is more complex than most "no cash" transactions I teach. 

 In every community there are people who earn large incomes - doctors, lawyers, consultants etc. Many of these people have something else in common, as well - they pay higher taxes, and often are in the market for a good investment that also shields them from some of those taxes. This is where you can make some very easy money, quickly, as such people usually do not have the time to seek out and buy an investment property on their own. They are just waiting for someone like you to come along and make it all happen. Here's how...

Locate a nice property in a good blue collar neighborhood, 3 or more bedrooms (blue collar neighborhoods are in more demand and are quicker and easier). For purposes of an example, let's say you found the perfect place - the market value is $250,000.

STEP 1: Make an offer to purchase the property outright, for $225,000 CASH at closing - cash sales usually command a discount of at least 10%. As soon as you have a signed purchase agreement...

STEP 2: Get in touch with these big income folks and let them know that you have a prime single family rental in a good neighborhood that would make not only an excellent investment, but would also shelter some of their income from taxes. You could even produce a brochure about the property and the deal. Offer to sell them a share in the $250,000 property - you will offer up 9 of the 10 shares at $25,000 each (the 10th share is yours as the general partner). They can either pay cash, or they can obtain a mortgage using their own credit. Their 9 shares pay for the property in full. An investor can purchase more than one share. "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate" provides information on setting up a simple partnership to facilitate such a transaction and protect your interests.

You will rent the place out for the partnership, collect the rents and otherwise manage the investment for five years in which each partner (including yourself) reaps a share of the rental profits , at which time you will sell the property and they (and you) will also receive shares of the profits from appreciation and equity. Meanwhile, you charge a small management fee equal to about 10% of the rents.

So far, you own $25,000 worth of the property, you are receiving approximately 10% of the net rents as a partner, another 10% as manager, and 10% of the appreciation and any additional equity at the end of the term. Not bad for not having paid a dime. And it gets better - you can do this many times!

STEP 3: If you were on the ball you had already advertised for a tenant and one is waiting to move in (perhaps even you). You thereafter manage the property and take your management fee and your share of the net rents out of the monthly rents. Food for thought - you could likely afford to live in this great property at a bargain by applying your share of the rent and your management fee to your rental payment.

Oh - and don't forget - once you sell one of these investment properties, those same investors will likely want to do it again. Ready-made investors, begging to give you money.


See how Russell, a homeless man, made $16,900 on his first "no cash" deal in under 30 days

And Homero received this certified check for $10,000 this certified check for $10,000 on his first "no cash" transaction in just 2 weeks

Visit "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate" for more information, and while you are there you can grab some free books.


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